Yesterday, the tweet that shocked the Edmonton (#yeg) community came from our very own 2011 FIERCE Woman of the Year, Amanda Babichuk.
Amanda came into my life when I was literally at rock bottom but fighting to emerge from the depths of depression that had become my existence. She offered up D'Lish Wine Bar to be the space for our first-eevr FIERCE Women of the Year awards even though her renovations weren't complete and she didn't know me at all.
Her patience, concern for the event, and willingness to help me even though she really had no reason to, showed me that she had a heart that was rare and an ability to see beyond her own struggles that she was facing while transitioning her business from a meal assembly studio to a shi-shi wine bar.
We became fast friends and shared many conversations about love, loss, life and other similarities we had in common. I admired Amanda's ability to rise from the proverbial ashes numerous times throughout her life and come out stronger every time.
Three Things I Learned from Amanda
3. A Heart Hug Heals When I first met Amanda, she hugged me. But when I went to pull away, she looked at me and said, "I need to show you a heart hug." I looked at her funny, wondering where the hell she was going with that when she leaned in to hug me the opposite way. Instead of leaning into the hug with her right arm raised, she leaned into it with her left arm raised which confused the hell out of me. I didn't know how to hug her! After awkwardly adjusting myself and my arms, I returned the hug feeling ridiculously uncomfortable and somewhat vulnerable. She smiled at me and told me when you position your body like that in a hug, your hearts physically connect, hence the heart hug.
2. Inspiration comes at any age. Amanda's resilience, her ability to bounce back and her determination to not let being a single mother define her, leave me in awe. Where others feel the need to define themselves by the tragedies in their life or the drama that plagues them, Amanda sidesteps all of the stereotypes and is determined to have people see her for HER not for the circumstances she has overcome. The fact that she has overcome so much and gone on to walk her own path endears her to me even more but knowing that she is still so young has made me extremely protective of her. I love her like a little sister and know that despite this new roadblock in her life, it is temporary and she will get through it like she gets through everything else.
1. Ensure your own success by ensuring the success of those around you.
Amanda's selfless business savvy was always something that baffled me. She seemingly put other businesses before her own need to succeed and she people without expecting anything in return. I have a serious radar for not trusting people, especially of those who seem to do things for others. I always think there is an underlying motive because in my experience there always has been one but with Amanda that was never the case. She promoted other businesses, she supported other businesses, and she really wanted to see others be successful, not because she expected them to reciprocate but so she could celebrate their success and watch them flourish.
D'Lish was a true extension of Amanda; charming, flirty, relaxed and home. No matter what the future holds for Amanda, she has a community of support, love, friends and my personal eternal loyalty.
D'Lish was a true extension of Amanda; charming, flirty, relaxed and home. No matter what the future holds for Amanda, she has a community of support, love, friends and my personal eternal loyalty.
She was named the 2011 FIERCE Woman of the Year for a reason. Amanda Babichuk is someone the entire City of Edmonton should stand up and applaud.
Thanks for everything you've done, Amanda. I am eternally grateful.